Dimly lit scene of an arched bridge and a stream surrounded by trees. A black bird
flies near the water.
1/2 page.
The Slow Stream.

Ah me ! I said, the stream is slow,1
My spirit chides delay ;2
How languidly its waters flow3
Throughout the summer day !4
It creeps along with sleepy song,5
And loiters on the way.6
Beneath the ivied arch it seems :7
To pause in dusky rest,8
As if it wearied of the beams9
Of sunlight on its breast,10
And loved to sleep in shadows deep,11
By willow-boughs caressed.12
It dallies with the golden flowers13
In meadows cool and green,14
And murmurs under feudal towers15
Of glories that have been ;16
Too long it stays in woodland ways17
Among the ferns, I ween.18
There waits an eager heart for me19
Far on the shining main ;20
It is the sea, the open sea,21
My soul is sick to gain.22
To moss and stone in dreamy tone23
The river mocks my pain.24
“ Oh, peace,” my guardian angel sighed25
(His voice was sweet and low),26
“ Love, work, and pray, and day by day27
The stream will faster flow ;28
It rests with thee, if Time shall be29
A river swift or slow.”30