The Seasons.

A blue-eyed child that sits amid the noon,1
O’erhung with a laburnum’s drooping sprays,2
Singing her little songs, while softly round3
Along the grass the chequered sunshine plays.4
All beauty that is throned in womanhood,5
Pacing a summer garden’s fountained walks,6
That stoops to smooth a glossy spaniel down,7
To hide her flushing cheek from one who talks.8
A happy mother with her fair-faced girls,9
In whose sweet spring again her youth she sees,10
With shout and dance and laugh and bound and
Stripping an autumn orchard’s laden trees.12
An aged woman in a wintry room ;13
Frost on the pane,—without, the whirling snow ;14
Reading old letters of her far-off youth,15
Of pleasures past and joys of long ago.16