Swedish Folk-Songs.

The Dove on the Lily.

There sits a pure dove on a lily so white,1
On midsummer morning :—2
She sang of Christ Jesus from morning to night,3
In Heaven there is great joy, O !4
She sang, and she sang, twas a joy to hear,5
Expecting a maiden in Heaven that year.6
And should I reach Heaven ere twelvemonths
are o’er,
Sickness and pain I should know never more.”8
To her father’s hall the maiden she went,9
And through her left side a sharp pain was sent.10
Oh ! make my bed, mother, in haste, mother dear,11
I shall in the fields no more wander this year.”12
And speak such words, daughter, dear daughter,
no more ;
Thou shalt wed with a king ere twelvemonths are
Oh ! better that I be in Heaven a bride,15
Than remain on the earth amid kingly pride.16
And father, dear father, go fetch me a priest,17
For I know that, ere long, death will be my guest.18
And brother, dear brother, go get me a bier,19
And sister, dear sister, do thou dress my hair.”20
The maiden, she died, and was laid on her bier,21
And all her hand-maidens they plaited her hair.22
They carried her out from her father’s hall door ;23
And the angels of God with lights went before.24
They carried the corpse to the churchyard along,25
And the angels of God went before with a song.26
They buried the maiden beneath the dark sod,27
On midsummer morning :—28
And her coming was even well pleasing to God ;29
In Heaven there is great joy, O !30