The Siege of Rhodes.
“ It was to the high excellence of Protogenes as an artist, that the city of Rhodes,
the place of his nativity, owed its preservation when besieged by Demetrius Poli-
orcetes. When that prince saw no other means of reducing the city than by
setting it on fire in a particular quarter in which there was a celebrated painting
of Protogenes, he chose rather to abandon the enterprise than hazard the
destruction of what was, in his opinion, of the highest value.”
the place of his nativity, owed its preservation when besieged by Demetrius Poli-
orcetes. When that prince saw no other means of reducing the city than by
setting it on fire in a particular quarter in which there was a celebrated painting
of Protogenes, he chose rather to abandon the enterprise than hazard the
destruction of what was, in his opinion, of the highest value.”
Tytler, Universal History.

Protogenes the Painter1
He was a man of Rhodes,2
Whose cunning skill made beautiful3
The temples of the gods ;4
And all the Rhodian people5
Gave honour to his name,6
For he was born among them7
And they shared his world-wide fame.8
It was their beauteous city,9
It was their ocean shore,10
And the vessels in their harbour11
With the merchandise they bore ;12
It was the Rhodian maidens,13
It was the Rhodian
Whose beauty waked the painter’s soul15
And made his heart beat high.16

The pictures hung in palaces,17
Their beauty was so great,18
They ever seemed the fairest things19
Where all was pomp and state.20
In the gorgeous halls of Nero21
The painter’s sketches lay ;22
And Rome herself was proud of them,23
The olden writers say.24
But a time arrived when fingers25
Forgot their wonted skill,26
When the eyes, so quick to beauty, closed,27
And the loving heart stood still.28
They laid him in the shadow29
Of a green, o’erhanging tree,30
And in the distance might be heard31
The moaning of the sea.32
It was a spot of beauty,33
That painter’s place of rest ;34
And every morn the maids of Rhodes35
His grave with flowers drest :36
And everywhere was honoured37
Protogenes of Rhodes,38
Whose pious hand made beautiful39
The temples of the gods.40
Demetrius the Grecian41
In sight of Rhodes he lay,42
With a great besieging army,43
Throughout a summer day ;44

Nine times the morning sun arose,45
And yet he found no space46
Where his fighting men might enter in47
To occupy the place.48
Sore they besieged that fortress,49
The strongest in the world ;50
Fast flew the foreign arrows,51
Fast the Rhodian stones were hurled ;52
And fiercer grew the conflict,53
Yet in vain the foemen toil,54
And Demetrius, fighting at their head,55
Despaired the place to spoil.56
Demetrius the soldier,57
’Mid the raging of his ire,58
One only place discovered.59
Where he might the city fire ;60
And this it was his only chance —61
His chance for victory ;62
He looked behind him with a smile63
And saw the peaceful sea.64
“ Now, by the gods I fear !65
We’ll make a fire to-night,66
Whose leaping tongues a league away67
Shall paint those waters bright.68
Rhodes city shall be burning,69
And the sea reflect the flame ;70
The fire shall mock the ocean,—71
I swear it, by my fame !72

They shall die in sight of water73
The dreadful death by fire,74
And see the ocean redden75
As the angry flames flash higher.”76
But a doubt came o’er the soldier77
As he turned his eager face,78
Where he saw the temple shining79
Close beside the one weak place ;80
He saw the temple gleaming81
In the sunset glow,82
He saw its grace reflected83
In the quiet waves below.84
He heard the Rhodians shouting85
A bitter shout of scorn,86
His bosom heaved, his anger rose,87
And yet—it must be borne ;88
For within that temple shineth89
A picture on the wall,90
And though he built up Rhodes again91
This were beyond recall.92
He gathered up his army,93
And, sighing, turned away ;94
Demetrius’ soul was full of grief95
And bitterness that day.96
And the city owes her safety97
To Protogenes of Rhodes,98
Whose patriot hand made beautiful99
The temple of his gods.100

All honour to the city101
Where the skilful painter dwelt,102
All honour to the painter103
Who in her temple knelt ;104
And honour to the soldier105
Who forewent his angry oath,106
And anxious to preserve the last,107
Saved place and picture both !108