Broken Toys.
A woman sits on a chair next to a dresser. One of the dresser drawers is open. The
woman rests her elbow on the open drawer
and leans over to rest her face in her open hand. The room is messy. It is littered
with various objects, including a basket of
clothes, children’s toys, artwork, a hat, and a book. A portrait hangs above the dresser.
2/3-page illustration contained within a
single-ruled border.

I have bow’d beneath the stroke, and the storm is
passing o’er :1
passing o’er :1
I will walk, and will not murmur, though my lips may
smile no more. 2
smile no more. 2
The world is quite foresaken—3
My beautiful is taken4
To the dim eternal shore.5
I have learn’d to watch the little spot of earth that is
my boy’s,— 6
my boy’s,— 6
But scarcely yet I dare to touch his broken toys.7
’Mid the shadows of the evening, in the blackness of
the night,8
the night,8
That struggle and that piteous look come
back upon
my sight ;9
back upon
my sight ;9
Until I cry, “ Thank Heaven,10
Short was thy fearful levin,—11
Not longer was the fight.”12
And I recall the resting limbs, the peaceful, smiling
Sunlit, as if of pain it ne’er had known a trace.14
I have gather’d up his few small books,—they stand
beside my bed ;15
beside my bed ;15
I have folded up for treasures the clothes from which
he fled :16
he fled :16
The cambric shirt, with stain17
Of blood from the blue vein18
Of his arm when he was bled.19
I can bear these suffering tokens,—but not those of
his joys ;—20
his joys ;—20
A mother’s heart is broken by these broken toys.21
How weak I am ! how changeful, how desplate, how
lone !22
lone !22
Bear with my faithless grief, O Thou, to whom all grief
is known !23
is known !23
I will think upon Thy story ;24
I will think upon his glory25
Who from my arms is flown ;26
And try to figure to myself the bliss that is my boy’s :—27
But my heart is well-nigh broken by these broken
toys !28
toys !28