Ode to an Indian Gold Coin.

Slave of the dark and dirty mine !1
What vanity has brought thee here ?2
How can I love to see thee shine3
So bright, whom I have bought so dear ?4
The tent-ropes flapping lone I hear,5
For twilight converse, arm in arm ;6
The jackal’s shriek bursts on mine ear,7
When mirth and music wont to charm.8
By Chéricál’s dark wandering streams,9
Where cane-tufts shadow all the wild,10
Sweet visions haunt my waking dreams,11
Of Teviot lov’d while still a child,12
Of castled rocks stupendous pil’d13
By Esk or Eden’s classic wave,14
Where loves of youth and friendship smil’d,15
Uncurs’d by thee, vile yellow slave !16
Fade, day dreams sweet, from memory fade !—17
The perish’d bliss of youth’s first prime,18
That once so bright on fancy play’d,19
Revives no more in after-time.20
Far from my sacred natal clime21
I haste to an untimely grave ;22
The daring thoughts that soar’d sublime,23
Are sunk in ocean’s southern wave.24
Slave of the mine !
they yellow light25
Gleams baleful as the tomb-fire drear.26
A gentle vision comes by night,27
My lonely widow’d heart to cheer ;28
Her eyes are dim with many a tear,29
That once were guiding stars to mine :30
Her fond heart throbs with many a fear !—31
I cannot bear to see thee shine.32
For thee, for thee, vile yellow slave,33
I left a heart that lov’d me true !34
I cross’d the tedious ocean-wave,35
To roam in climes unkind and new.36
The cold wind of the stranger blew37
Chill on my wither’d heart :—the grave38
Dark and untimely met my view—39
And all for thee, vile yellow slave !40
Ha ! com’st thou now so late to mock41
A wanderer’s banished heart forlorn,42
Now that his frame the lightning shock43
Of sun-rays tipt with death has borne ?44
From love, from friending, country, torn,45
To memory’s fond regrets the prey,46
Vile slave, thy yellow dross I scorn !47
Go mix thee with thy kindred clay48
⁂ The preceding poem was published amongst the Remains of
Dr. Leyden, a young Scotch physician of great promise, who died in
India at an early age.
Dr. Leyden, a young Scotch physician of great promise, who died in
India at an early age.