Unworthy ! yea,1
So high thou art above me2
I hardly dare to love thee,3
But kneel and lay4
All homage and worship at thy feet,5
O lady sweet !6
Yet dreams are strong :7
Their wordless wish suffices
To win them Paradises
Of sun and song.10
Delight our waking life can never know11
The dreams bestow.12
And in a dream,13
Dupe of its bold beguiling,14
I watch thy blue eyes smiling ;15
I see them gleam

With love the waking moments have forbidden,17
And veiled and hidden.18
O brave deceit !19
In dreams thy glad eyes glisten,20
In dreams I lie and listen
Thy bosom beat,22
Hiving hot lips among thy temple-hair,23
O lady fair !24
And tho’ I live,25
Dreaming in such fair fashion,26
I think, in thy compassion,27
Thou wilt forgive,28
Since I but dream, and since my heart will ache
When I awake.30