Soulary, Josephin (M)

Surname: Soulary
Forename(s): Joseph-Marie
b. 23 February 1815. d. 28 March 1891. Nationality: French. VIAF.
Poet. Pseudonyms: Joséphin, Josephin, S. Grenadier. Born in Lyon. Served in the armed forces (1831-1836). Contributed to L’Indicateur de Bordeaux. Chef de Bureau of the Rhône (1845-1867). Appointed librarian at the Palais des Arts in Lyon in 1868. Biographical information: BnF, Wikipedia (27 August 2021). (CC)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 1
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
Ambitious Dreams 1894 Good Words Poet 5071