Trevanion, Ada (F)

Surname: Trevanion
Forename(s): Ada
b. 1829. d. 11 February 1882. Nationality: English.
Poet and short story writer. Born in London. Author of Poems (1858). Biographical information: Curran Index; H. J. E. Champion, Ada Trevanion’s ‘A Ghost Story’: Queered Haunting and the ‘Mysterious Inmate’ of Woodford House, Victorian Review, vol. 44, no. 2, Fall 2018, pp. 174-77. (AC, CC)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 5
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
The Two Portraits 1850 The Keepsake Poet 5689
Elleonore 1851 The Keepsake Poet 5579
The Rosemary 1852 The Keepsake Poet 5605
The Boat and the Beacon 1853 The Keepsake Poet 5617
Friendships 1854 The Keepsake Poet 5654