Ward, J.

Surname: Ward
Forename(s): J.
Poet. Chambers’s Journal ledger entry, for Ward’s poem published on 30 December 1876, gives the name as J. Ward and the address as Tilford Place, North Rd, Wolverhampton (NLS Dep 341/368). Another J. Ward is listed in the Chambers’s ledgers as the author of the poem published on 30 November 1867, with the address given as Unity Flour Mill, Belfast (NLS Dep 341/310). These are not necessarily the same people. (AC)

Poems associated with this person

Total poems: 2
Poem title Date Periodical Roles id #
The Train. (After Tennyson) 1867-11-30 Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal Poet 7614
The Robin 1876-12-30 Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal Poet 7232