Emma Grey,
Helena Herbert,
Mrs. Macarthy.Alternative signature:
Mrs Newton Crosland.Born in London. Family fell into poverty following death of her father in 1820, and she worked as a jewelry maker and then as a governess from 1834. Began her literary career by publishing a poem in Lady Blessington’s annual, Heath’s Book of Beauty, in 1838, and then wrote poetry and prose for many periodicals. Sub-editor of Friendship’s Offering (1842-1844). Struggled to make a living by writing. Well connected to literary circles, and was friends with William and Robert Chambers, the Brownings, Margaret Fuller, Mary Russell Mitford, Mary Howitt, Richard Hengist Horne. Married the wine merchant Newton Crosland on 22 July 1848, after which they lived together in London. Became interested, together with her husband, in spiritualism. Author of Poems (1846), which collates much of her periodical poems, as well as The Diamond Wedding: A Doric Story, and Other Poems (1871). Biographical information: Orlando, ODNB. (KH, AC)