
In Manhood, in the full accomplished glory1
And ecstasy of life,2
Memories of the golden Land of Morning3
Haunt us in peace and strife ;4
Vague visions of that fresh and happy season5
The Paradise of youth,6
Where earth was one unfading summer landscape,7
And love a blossomed truth.8
The pipe of birds, awaking to the sunrise,9
Cool shadows on the lawn,10
The solemn mountains fired with eastern splendour,11
The pastoral calm of dawn ;12
The shining quiet of the Sabbath noontide,13
The musical, fleet brooks,14
The evening rest and ever welcome voices15
Of home-returning rooks ;16
The windy hands, that tapped the frosted casements17
Through the December nights ;18
Earth ringed with darkness and, above, outshining19
The still, celestial lights ;20
Remembered echoes of heart-treasured voices,21
The blessing and the prayer,22
Gentle good-nights and tender parting kisses,23
And slumbers calm and rare ;24
Return to us, with one dear recollection,25
Of a sweet mother’s face,26
Bright with angelic blessedness and quiet,27
And fair domestic grace ;28
Rise and return from the burial chambers29
Of the mysterious brain,30
Till the over-burdened heart and pining spirit31
Are faint with sense of pain.32

Whence do you come, you unrequited Longings,33
From what remote grey shore,34
You, whose uplifted and remembered faces35
Look backward evermore ?36
You who, from the unperceived horizon37
For ever round us cast,38
Summon to shadowy and brief existence39
The phantoms of the past.40
In sunny fields or cloud-enveloped cities,41
Under the midnight skies ;42
Alone, or, with the crowded world communing,43
You look into my eyes.44
Your gentle voices, tender with emotion,45
Rich with divine delight,46
Fall round me till I breathe and walk entrancéd,47
A spirit world of light.48
Turn from the past, you unrequited Longings,49
Turn from that barren shore ;50
There are the graves of our departed kindred,51
But they are there no more.52
Lift up your faces to the shining Future,53
Unto the better place,54
There shall we meet you in celestial beauty,55
Before the Father’s face.56