For Ever.

For ever and ever the reddening leaves1
Float to the sodden grasses.2
For ever and ever the shivering trees3
Cower and shrink to the chilling breeze,4
That sweeps from the far off sullen seas,5
To wither them as it passes.6
For ever and ever the low grey sky7
Stoops o’er the sorrowful earth.8
For ever and ever the steady rain9
Falls on bare bleak hill, and barren plain,10
And flashes on roof and window pane,11
And hisses upon the hearth.12
For ever and ever the weary thoughts13
Are tracing the selfsame track.14
For ever and ever, to and fro,15
On the old unchanging road they go,16
Through dreaming and waking, through joy and
Calling the dead hours back.18
For ever and ever the tired heart19
Ponders o’er evil done.20
For ever and ever through cloud and gleam,21
Tracing the course of the strong life stream,22
And dreary and dull as the broken dream,23
For ever the rain rains on.24