dainty little volume of verse has just
appeared. The author is Lady Lindsay
(Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.). The title Lyrics
exactly describes the nature of its contents. Lady
Lindsay has the delicate fancy and light touch of
the born song-writer—her note is something like
that of a wild bird,—it is fresh and untrammelled
and sweet even when it is, as often happens, in a
minor key. The following is, perhaps, one of the
most perfect in the book :—
appeared. The author is Lady Lindsay
(Kegan Paul, Trench & Co.). The title Lyrics
exactly describes the nature of its contents. Lady
Lindsay has the delicate fancy and light touch of
the born song-writer—her note is something like
that of a wild bird,—it is fresh and untrammelled
and sweet even when it is, as often happens, in a
minor key. The following is, perhaps, one of the
most perfect in the book :—

“ What are my darling’s eyes ? They are blue as
wild cornflowers.1
wild cornflowers.1
What are my darling’s looks ? They are soft as
summer hours.2
summer hours.2
What are my darling’s lips ? They are red as
autumn roses.3
autumn roses.3
What are my darling’s smiles ? They are sweet
as springtide posies.4
as springtide posies.4
What are my darling’s thoughts ? They are pure
as lambs in fold.5
as lambs in fold.5
What is my darling’s heart ? ’Tis a treasure of
pearl and gold.6
pearl and gold.6
What is my darling’s soul ? ’Tis a shrine where
angels sing.7
angels sing.7
What is my darling’s love ? ’Tis a kingdom
where I am king.”8
where I am king.”8