His Little Shoes.

Sunset dies upon the hill,1
Evening grows to gray ;2
The old house seems sad and still,3
Void of merry play !4
There’s no bounce of top or ball,5
Tramp of childish feet ;6
There’s no laughter in the hall,—7
There’s no kiss to greet ;8
Night broods down upon the lea,9
As I sit and muse,10
O’er these treasures on my knee—11
His two little shoes !12
Two little shoes worn out with play,13
Treasured many a weary day,14
With rose-leaves all about them ;15
Since two little feet, all white and bare,16
Went pattering up the golden stair17
Of God’s High Heaven without them !18
Elfin shoes that tripped so light19
On the nursery floor,—20
Dainty shoes once new and bright—21
Dancing days are o’er !22
Wilful shoes that aye and aye23
Strayed in paths forbid ;24
Faded are your bowlets gay,25
Worn your toes of kid ;26
Restless shoes that e’er would go27
Whither mischief led ;28
Tears have marred your colours so,—29
Tears that I have shed !30
Two little shoes worn out with play.31
Treasured many a lonely day,32
With rose-leaves all about them !33
Since two little feet, all white and bare,34
Went pattering up the golden stair35
Of God’s High Heaven without them !36
Little shoes, if little feet,37
Grown to manly size,38
Had from peaceful paths and sweet39
Strayed beneath my eyes ;40
Speeding on through brake and briar,41
Led by errant flame—42
Ever deeper in the mire43
Sinking, down to shame !44
Ah ! though I at times may rave,45
Sick with empty pain,46
It was best that He who gave47
Took my joy again !48
Two little shoes worn out with play,49
Treasured many and many a day !50
That dawning soon may greet me ;51
When two little feet, all white and bare,52
Come pattering down the golden stair53
Of God’s High Heaven to meet me !54