For September, 1890.
Inhabited capital letter "S" from the word "SUMMER". A figure sits in the middle of
an ornate letter S. The figure’s elbow
rests on the top of the S and their head is supported by their left hand. They appear
to be reading a newspaper. The S is decorated
with swirls. 1/16 page.

Summer, summer, tardy
Where are now your
blushes ?2
blushes ?2
June long since out-wore
her best—3
her best—3
Paid off all her
Grand July set all her
Ready for your
glances ;6
glances ;6
Long laid by her lily plate—7
Tarnish’d all her branches.8
August left his opened gate—9
Chilly with his waiting ;10
Sat him down beside his grate,11
Bent on emigrating.12
Summer ! so at last you’re here13
Staying with September !14
Shall you take another year15
Lodgings with November ?16