Ballad V.
Alexander Peden’s Harmonious Call to the Cameronians.

Ye green glens of Nithsdale, ye brown dales of Dryfe,1
Ye green banks of Annandale, busk for the strife,2
Come fix firm the helmet, and sharpen the brand,3
The Kirk cannot take sloven work from your hand.4
Ye Kyle men, ye Carrick men, men of Glenluce,5
Who conquered with Wallace, and triumphed with Bruce,6
A brighter cause now calls your hands to the hilt,7
A Covenant broken, and pious blood spilt.8
Tis not for your flocks—for the wealth of your home,9
Or your chaste lovely daughters, the spoiler is come,10
Then empty the quiver, and strive till the sword11
Works the good work full surely, the work of the Word.12
May him, whose cold blood sleeps like water, to hear13
The loud cry of righteousness sound in his ear ;14
May no maid call him love, no good man call him brother,15
And the son of his heart prove the son of another.16

Come pluck up your banner, the green pleasant land17
Of the west calls the chosen-with Bible and brand,18
The spoiler a feast ’mongst the mountains has made,19
I have blessed it, come carve it with bayonet and blade.20