Dan’s First Parliamentary Campaign

Dan, who in Ireland led the way,1
At head of mob debaters,2
Presumed upon an equal sway3
’Mongst British legislators.4
But bullying phrase, and bellowing lungs,5
That won such fame in Erin,6
Proved, among England’s polish’d tongues,7
An awkward interfering.8
As when a long-ear’d quadruped,9
Perchance with horses straying,10
Emits the music of his head,11
And fancies that he’s neighing,12
Dan tried a speech, a joke, a sneer,13
With Kerry brogue adorned ;14
While some could force themselves to cheer15
What all of high mind scorned.16
“ This theatre will never do,”17
Says Dan, “ my pranks to play on ;18
I have a fitter place in view—19
A noble stage plebeian."20
So off he march’d on bounding toe,21
(St Giles’s garde attending,)22
To where Carlile, and Hunt, and Co.23
Were constitution-mending.24
Soon as Clare’s oracle appear’d,25
At head of his dear craturs,26
The pious conclave rose, and cheer’d27
This prince of Irish praters.28
Huzza ! huzza ! the day’s our own—29
Down palace, peer, and steeple ;30
Tithes, taxes, charters, all o’erthrown,31
No Sovereign but the People !32
Here Dan was quite at home, for why ?33
’Twas famous agitation ;34
So up he got immediately,35
And made a grand oration !36
Say, what shall be the hero’s meed37
For eloquence so charming ?38
Carlile, perhaps, may mend his creed,39
All fears of Hell disarming.40
Hunt may perpetual. stuff supply41
To blacken Dan’s old leather ;42
And Cobbett praise him to the sky43
For three whole weeks together.44
But when this champion shall repair,45
(The Session duly ended,)46
To boast among his friends at Clare47
How he their rights defended—48
All done by him in Parliament,49
With all his vaunting notions,50
A single sentence shall present—51
He bother’d them with Motions !52