Whig and Tory.
A Metrical Meditation.

The Tories once ruled with resistless command,1
By their enemies envied in vain ;2
We were powerful and peaceful by sea and by land,3
And the Law held the reins with a resolute hand,4
The headstrong and hot to restrain.5
But a neighbour display’d her three vain-glorious days,6
And we borrow’d a leaf from her book :7
She discarded a King his old rival to raise,8
While we, who proceed by less violent ways,9
Were content with displacing a Duke.10
’Twas echo’d on hustings, in hall, and in bower,11
“ Too long we’ve been slaves to the Crown :”12
The people, the source of legitimate power,13
In bumpers was pledged, though the wine might be sour,14
As the toast that alone would go down.15
The Whigs—for such mischief was ever their forte—16
With the loudest thus clamour’d and cried :17
We have seen them since then find a refuge at Court,18
And in petticoat patronage seek the support19
Which their idol, the people, denied.20
Even loyalty once was a standing Whig jest ;21
Peter Pindar and Moore were admired :22
The monarch—for so was the maxim express’d—23
Was merely a magistrate over the rest,24
Though a little more richly attired.25

The doctrines that then they exulted to own,26
Now quietly sleep on their shelves ;27
The chivalrous Whigs close encircle the throne,28
And of loyalty’s name so enamour’d are grown,29
They’ll allow it to none but themselves.30
“ Opinion is fetter’d,” so ran the Whig tale,31
“ And discussion cut short by the sword :”32
But the same school of logic seems still to prevail,33
If the Newport affray, and the Chartists in jail,34
Any proof on the point can afford.35
“ These Tory corruptionists, when will they cease36
Their assaults on the popular purse ?” 37
Ten years of Whig power, in the middle of-peace,38
Show our revenues dwindle, our burdens increase ;39
Pray, what could a Tory do worse ?40
Of Tory ambition, though much has been said,41
There are those who can match it at least :42
Hear the Board of Control, with some wine in its head !43
You would think it was Bacchus, by liquor misled,44
To commence a new march on the East.45
If a Tory would hazard the horrors of war46
In his zeal for the balance of power,47
Here too, it appears, things are much on a par ;48
We’re as busily leagued with our old friend the Czar,49
As if Castlereagh lived at this hour.50
Go on, my good friends. If this line you pursue,51
And no accident blows up your train, 52
We may read, some day soon, in the Yellow and Blue,53
The eulogiums bestowed on a Whig Waterloo,54
Which the Tory one failed to obtain.55
The delusion is ended, and homage is done56
To the precepts we loved to embrace :57
The Whigs, when their round of vagaries is run,58
Come back to the course which their betters begun—59
Such a proselyte-maker is place !60