Love’s Witness.
Κόρη, ὅντας Φιλιάμαστον, νύκτα ητον, ποῖος μᾶς εἶδε;

“ When I was in thy chamber,1
Alone, my love, with thee,2
Night cast its shadow round us,3
And none was there to see ;4
The very breeze was lying5
Asleep within the tree ;6
Then who could tell, or who reveal,7
This cruel tale of me ?”8
“ The lady moon was peeping,9
And watch’d us through the tree ;10
A little star shot downwards,11
And told it to the sea ;12
A sailor caught the whisper,13
Who bore no love to me,14
And sang, before a maiden’s door,15
This wicked tale of thee.”16