The Rulers of the Land.

I’m very sorry for the Poor—would ne’er their lot
But give them, with a willing heart, my sympathy and aid :2
Yet for us both I should not say ’twas either good or kind3
To let them freely help themselves where’er they had a mind.4
I’d gladly listen when they urge some rational demand,5
But I should not choose to make the Poor the Rulers of the land.6
I’m sorry for the Ignorant, and largely would impart7
Whatever may inform the head or meliorate the heart :8
I’d teach them all that they would learn ; to read, to use the pen,9
To think as human beings, and to feel as Christian men.10
My warmest wishes for their good they always may command,11
But I would not make the Ignorant the Rulers of the land.12
I prize and love the Working-man ; I venerate his toil,13
Whether he plies an urban task or cultivates the soil.14
But constant labour of the bands encroaches on the head,15
Nor are they always wise and free who strive for daily bread.16
I’d praise their virtues, treat their faults with soft and gentle hand,17
But I would not make the Working-men the Rulers of the land.18
Nations have not alone to fear a Despot’s dreaded name :19
Another danger threatens them, another, yet the same—20
The rule of blind misguided men, whom angry wants impel,21
Who, deaf to reason, seek their own, not wisely, nor yet well.22
As much as any Tyrant’s power the project I’d withstand23
That makes the Unthinking Multitude the Rulers of the land.24