“ ‛ So say the foolish !” Say the fool-
ish so, Love ?1
ish so, Love ?1
‘ Flower she is, my rose,’ —or else
‘ My very swan is she ’—2
‘ My very swan is she ’—2
Or perhaps ‘ Yon made-moon, blessing
earth below, Love,3
earth below, Love,3
That art thou !’ —to them, belike : no
such vain words from me.4
such vain words from me.4
‘ Hush, rose, blush ! no balm like
breath,’ I chide it :5
breath,’ I chide it :5
‘ Bend thy neck its best, swan,—hers
the whiter curve !’6
the whiter curve !’6
Be the moon the-moon : my love I
place beside it :7
place beside it :7
What is she ? Her human self,—
no lower word will serve.”8
no lower word will serve.”8