A Song of Love and May.

What gleams of glad laughter1
Earth’s visage adorn !2
How brightens the sun3
At the gates of the morn !4
How burst into blossom5
The buds on the tree,6
While birds shake the woodland7
With tumults of glee !8
How pant men and maidens9
With thrillings of pleasure !10
O green earth, O bright sun,11
O joy without measure !12
’Tis love’s great enchantment13
That kindles the day,14
The life of the spring-time,15
The promise of May.16
’Tis love’s magic banner,17
O’er nature unfurled,18
That showers down new blessing,19
New life on the world.20
O darling, O dearest,21
How well I love thee !22
Thine eye’s golden silence23
Tells how thou lov’st me.24
As larks love the azure,25
The carol, the dew,26
As flowers love the dawning,27
So do I love you.28
O let us love truly,29
And true love will be30
A youth never fading31
For you and for me.32
True love in all changes33
Will waft us along,34
In sweet modulation35
Of dance and of song,36
And soften our sunset,37
When we have grown old,38
With tenderest touches39
Of rose-leaf and gold.40