Oh ! The Flowery Month of June.

Oh ! the flowery month of June again I hail as summer’s queen ;1
The hills and valleys sing in joy, and all the woods are green ;2
The streamlets flow in gladsome song, the birds are all in tune,3
And nature smiles in summer pride, in the flowery month of
June !4
June !4
There’s music in the laughing sky, and balm upon the air ;5
The earth is stamped with loveliness, and all around is fair ;6
There’s glory on the mountain top, and gladness on the plain ;7
The flowers wake from their wintry bed, and blush in bloom
again !8
again !8
Oh ! the flowery month of June ! my heart is bounding wild and
As with a fond and longing look I gaze once more on thee !10
With all thy thousand spangling gems—a bright and blessed
That come to cheer and welcome in the flowery month of June !12
The lark hath sought an upward home, far in the dewy air ;13
While lowly by the rose’s cheek, the blackbird’s singing there ;14
Or, in its leafy bowers unseen, the thrush bursts forth in song—15
A low and pleasing melody the woody dells among !16
Oh ! the flowery month of June ; ah! me, where are the fond
ones fled ?17
ones fled ?17
No spring comes for the parted friends, nor summer to the dead !18
I miss them at the calm of eve, or sunny hour of noon ;19
Nor morning songs awake the dead in the flowery month of June !20