Do Not Weep.

I once was young, but now am old ; I once was fair, now gray ;1
A summer child, for I was born upon a summer day.2
Our home stood in a valley lone—it was an ancient hall—3
With slanting roof, and gable sides, and ivy on the wall.4
Not more unruly sure was I than petted children are,5
Though I was nurtured with far more than usual love and care ;6
A faithful nurse watched over me from when I first saw light,7
And ceaseless was her tending love throughout the
A picture hung within the hall—’twas of the Holy Child ;9
I used, as evening shadows fell, to think the blest One smiled ;10
And when with awe I told my nurse, she said, ‘ Remember this—11
The gracious Saviour never smiles on those who do amiss.’12
Sometimes, with childish ills opprest—in frowardness or pain—13
Recounting my imagined woes, ’twas pleasant to complain ;14
By tender accents reassured—‘ Be patient—do not weep
Perchance the angels may come down with healing in your
My heart received the portraiture, though oft it disappears,17
Reviving with the sacred warmth of penitential tears ;18
And at the solemn midnight hour bright visions still reveal19
The smile of bless ineffable whose influence I feel.20
As years bring sorrow in their train, dim smiles, and stifled
Imaginary grief dispelled by stern realities—22
A haunting voice yet seems to say, ‘ Be patient—do not weep :23
Perchance the angels may come down with healing in your