The Ae Lamb o’ the Fauld.

In yon rude lanely sheilin’,1
Near nae ither house nor hauld,2
There dwelt a hillside shepherd,3
Wi’ the ae lamb o’ his fauld.4
A gray-haired rugged carle was he,5
Wi’ broo fu’ stern an’ bauld,6
Wha said his sweet wee Janet7
Was the ae lamb o’ his fauld.8
Oh ! blithe an’ bonny was the bairn,9
A gleesome thing was she,10
As wi’ her flock she strayed amang11
The hills where rises Dee.12
Her weel-loe’d mother dee’d when she13
Was scarce six simmers auld,14
An’ left the shepherd lanely15
Wi’ the ae lamb o’ the fauld.16
He took her in the simmer where17
A bothy he had made,18
Whene’er she tired he carried her,19
An’ wrapped her in his plaid ;20
An’ he sang wild Border ballads,21
An’ fairy tales he tauld,22
While restin’ on the hillside23
Wi’ the ae lamb o’ the fauld.24
In the winter she would trim the fire25
When daylight wore awa’,26
An’ in the window set the lamp27
To guide him through the snaw ;28
Then, laid aside his drippin’ plaid,29
Her arms wad him enfauld,30
When he cam back weet an’ weary31
To the ae lamb o’ his fauld.32
* Poems by Isa. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and
London. 1856.
London. 1856.

The mountain blasts are bleak an’ chill,33
An’ she grew thin an’ weak ;34
There cam a wild licht to her e’e35
A strange red to her cheek ;36
And oh ! sae fast she faded, till37
Ae winter mornin’ cauld,38
Dead, on her father’s bosom,39
Lay the ae lamb o’ the fauld.40
He stood uncovered in the drift,41
An’ saw the wee grave made,42
Nane daured to comfort, when away43
He tearless turned, an’ said :44
‘ There ’s nae licht in the sheilin’ noo ;45
My hearth will aye be cauld ;46
I ’ve nocht on earth to care for47
Sin’ my ae lamb ’s i’ The Fauld.’48