A Spring Madrigal.

When lily bells ring out perfume,1
In joy that spring’s bright days are come,2
And insects stir their busy wings,3
And throstle to his mate still sings—4
Such sweet sounds move5
The heart to love.6
When May-buds scent the woodland’s side,7
And high in air the midges ride,8
And grasses raise their waving heads,9
And noble oak its foliage spreads—10
These fair sights move11
The heart to love.12
When fishes leave the deep dark pool,13
And kine stand in the shade to cool,14
And from the earth the gentle shower15
Brings odours rivalling the flower—16
These changes move17
The heart to love.18
Then maidens’ hearts are ripe with love,19
And rural swains with vigour move20
To wooing, as the cooing dove,21
And fill with sighs the weald and grove—22
All these things move23
The heart to love.24