The Sisters.

Two sisters sit by the embers,1
Watching the fire burn low :2
It is of me they are thinking3
In their hearts, I know.4
And scarce a word is spoken,5
As side by side they sit :6
And if they speak, there is little7
Of what they think in it.8
For they love me, both, past telling ;9
And that they think upon.10
Pity they both should love me,11
Who can love but one.12
Love is a blessing, surely ;13
It should make us glad :14
Pity, with so much loving,15
Three should be so sad.16
The little heart is breaking17
To lean upon my breast :18
She is but a child, the youngest :19
I love the eldest best.20
But if she love me strongly,21
She cannot bear to see22
The life of her sweet sister23
Pining away for me.24
She, with her noble nature—25
Ever in fear am I26
Lest she should forsake me,27
That the other may not die.28
None can love like we do ;29
Gladness were most fit ;30
But ever so little gladness31
We win out of it.32
For I cannot speak of loving,33
Or look her in the face,34
Lest I should cause heart-sorrow35
In the fireside place.36
And if the child die sudden,37
And only leave us two ;38
And learn to love in heaven39
As the angels do—40
Sicken and die quite sudden,41
And lie in a winding-sheet ;42
And I to the grave, chief-mourner43
Carry the cold corpse-feet—44
How should I make the living45
Ever be comforted,46
If for her the sister47
Lie with homeless head ?48
Never the light shine on me49
If I know what to do.50
This is a sad affair, love.51
God help me and you !52