Early Spring.

Oh, sweetly now the seasons change !1
From dark and grim to lightsome eves !2
The happy birds have longer range,3
And later twitter on the eaves.4
The face of nature still is grave,5
The dint of biting frost-is there ;6
But shining laurels boldly wave7
Their welcome to a milder air.8
The earth looks soft, as if, beneath,9
The sun’s increasing warmth had power ;10
And soon shall pierce the tender sheath :11
Which holds the perfect snow-drop flower.12
Dear is the earliest dawn of spring—13
This hint of future ecstasy—14
The thrushes feel it first, and sing15
Enraptured on yon naked tree.16
I would that I like them could pour17
Songs sweet as is my heart’s delight !18
And when earth’s winters all are o’er,19
I hope to hail a spring as bright.20