The Gone-Before.

Alas ! we are prone to say :1
‘ We have fallen on evil hours,’2
When a ripened spirit floats away3
Like the breath of the fading flowers,4
And a seed, on the wings of a dying day,5
Is borne to the heavenly bowers !6
Yet toil has a right to rest,7
And the wearied a right, to go,8
And Love has a right to save the best9
From the weight of the coming blow.10
We gaze on the joys of the parted Blessed11
Through the tears of a selfish woe.12
’Tis blood, not tears, should fall13
O’er the brave who breathe no more,14
For empty the breach in the crumbling wall15
Which they manned in the days of yore,16
And who shall respond to the trumpet-call17
To rescue the banner they bore ?18
Can the warrior now survey19
How the distant combat wears ?20
Let him learn to wait—nor rashly say21
That the valiant, have left no heirs—22
Till he watch the deeds of the changing day23
From a crowning height like theirs ;24
Till the smoke of the fray25
Shall have rolled away26
On the breath of their answered prayers.27