A Winter Evening.

To-day Eve quits betimes a sullen sea,1
A sunset still more drear ; the chill sharp wind2
Huddles the sheep their wattled cotes behind,3
And strips the last leaf from the brave old tree4
That erstwhile held its own. On this wide lea5
Falls sudden gloom, which clouds the shepherd’s mind6
With coming storm ; and now dense snow-flakes blind7
The day and smother earth in cruel glee :8
Whiteness now grows apace.—Nature ! farewell !9
Sleep thy long spell-bound slumber ! I will hie10
Me home with haste, and by the hearth will tell11
Alraschid’s nightly wand’rings to my boys,12
Or pensive start at Hector’s battle-cry :13
Most prize we now sweet Fancy’s simple joys.14