A Maori Serenade.

‘ When queenly rides the moon above,1
And softly falls the dew ;2
Across the wave to thee, my love,3
I’ll steer the light canoe.’4
The watchful maid his coming spied ;5
Into the bark she came ;6
While drifting gaily down the tide,7
He thus avowed his flame.8
‘ How roguish yonder stars, my dear,9
Are twinkling in the sky !10
Yet none our tale of love can hear11
But only thou and I.12
‘ Serenely sails the moon above,13
Across the liquid blue ;14
So, gently down Life’s waters, love,15
We’ll steer the light canoe.’16
‘ Man ever was inconstant known.17
Should I be called away18
To where beyond the stars ’tis shewn19
We find eternal day ;20
‘ So sure as shines yon moon above,21
Thy heart will prove untrue ;22
To seek some English lady-love,23
Thou ’lt steer the light canoe.’24
‘ The beauteous forms who will may boast25
Of Albion’s favoured isle ;26
The joy on earth I value most,27
My Maori maiden’s smile.28
‘ And if in death’s repose my love29
Retire from earthly view ;30
To join her then, for Heaven above31
I’ll steer the light canoe.’32