Where Shall We Roam?

Where shall we roam, O maiden mine ?1
To North, to South, to East or West ?2
Raise but thine eyes, and give the sign ;3
Where shall we roam ?—which way is best ?4
See ! to the North the clear, cold star5
Would lead us, where the icebergs rise ;6
Where Silence reigns, and from afar7
The snow-flakes falling shroud the skies.8
No, no ; the North is bleak and bare :9
Too cold the wind, too chill the sea ;10
The sun itself is icy there.11
The North is not the land for me.12
Then seek the South, where skies are bright,13
Where flowerets kiss the wand’rer’s feet,14
Where whisp’ring zephyrs woo the night,15
And but to live and love is sweet.16
Or turn thee to the dawn of day,17
Land of Romance and sacred tale ;18
Fair is the scene, nor far the way.19
Thither, O loved one ! let us sail,20
Nor South, nor East ? Then turn thee last21
Where evening star-girt doth appear.—22
Ah no ! the evening fades too fast ;23
The night beyond is dark and drear.24
Then, maiden mine, we will remain,25
We two alone; no need to roam,26
Nor ever wander forth again27
Afar, if Love but stay at home.28