The Old Nursery Story.
From the Low-German.

She was like a dolly, so bonny and wee ;1
And oft at the gloamin’ she’d sit on my knee.2
I’d pat her soft cheek while my hand she would hold,3
And always the old nursery story I told :4
‘ There once was a Princess ; gold, gold was her hair ;5
She sat in her bower, and pined in despair ;6
Till by came a Prince, and the fair one he spied ;7
And he was the king then, and she was the bride.’8
The years have sped onward, and now she’s grown up ;9
But still at the gloamin’ she sits in my lap ;10
She presses my hand, while I kiss her soft cheek,11
And still of the old nursery story we speak :12
‘ There once was a Princess ; gold, gold was her hair ;13
She sat in her bower, and pined in despair ;14
Till by came a Prince, and the fair one he spied ;15
And I am the king now, and thou art the bride.’16