Love in All.

Name the leaves on all the trees ;1
Name the waves on all the seas,2
All the flow’rs by rill that blow,3
All the myriad tints that glow,4
Winds that wander through the grove—5
And you name the name of Love ;6
Love there is in summer sky,7
As in light of maiden’s eye.8
Listen to the countless sounds9
In the wind that gaily bounds10
O’er the meads, where, on the wing,11
Bright bees hum and linnets sing ;12
Pat of raindrop, chat of stream,13
Of their song, sweet love’s the theme ;14
Love there is where zephyr skips,15
As in breath of maiden’s lips.16
In the west, mild evening glows ;17
Angel fingers fold the rose ;18
Silvery dews begin to fall ;19
Crimson shades to shadow all ;20
Holy Nature veils her face ;21
Earth is lost in Heaven’s embrace—22
Love is in an hour like this,23
As in guileless maiden’s kiss,24
Go where, through the voiceless night,25
Trips fair Luna’s silver light ;26
Hear of Nature’s pulse the beat,27
Like the tread of unseen feet ;28
See from out the lambent north29
Shimmering arrows shooting forth :30
Love is in a meteor’s start,31
As in throb of maiden’s heart.32
Love ’s the essence of all things ;33
’Tis from love that beauty springs ;34
’Twas by love, creation first35
Into glorious being burst :36
Veiled in maiden’s form so fair,37
I do worship thee in her,38
Spirit sweet—all else above—39
Love is God, since God is love !40