Across the Sea.

Smooth o’er the yellow sand the waters spread1
And deepen, till the bay is one rich glow2
Of emerald light, while murmurously low3
Falls the sad rhythm of old Ocean’s tread.4
Oh sea, thy song ! When parting tears are shed,5
When the sails gleam and favouring breezes blow,6
When in moonlighted mist, the rough ‘ Heave-ho !”7
Loosens the anchor, and farewells are said—8
Thy song breathed inland from the moaning shore,9
Its deep wave-chorus wakening wild and free,10
Will lull us into sadness, o’er and o’er11
Sounding Æolian strings of memory—12
A voice—an echo—murmuring evermore13
Of one true heart that beats across the sea.14