
Beloved Thule, I am thine !1
Thy home is on the northern deep,2
Embosomed there, thou art so fair,3
The summer day is robbed of sleep,4
And love-lorn night, a lonely star,5
Can but behold thee from afar.6
Can but behold thee from afar,7
And whisper : ‘ Heart, oh heart, be still,8
For jealous day will not away,9
But lingers on from hill to hill,10
And oh, the light on land and sea,11
A dream, a deathless memory.12
A dream, a deathless memory,13
That gathers glory more and more,14
Where headlands rise to cloudless skies,15
With ceaseless song of sea and shore ;16
Beloved Thule, I am thine !17
And thou, first love, and last, art mine.18