The Coming of the Dark.

Full-flushed, the sun dropt down1
Behind the hill ;2
O’er hamlet and o’er town3
Blue haze rests still ;4
Trembling, from dappled sky,5
The ling’ring light,6
With ambered tints anigh,7
Sinks from our sight.8
With gray wings stately spread,9
The twilight goes10
Hov’ring from mystic bed11
Beneath the rose12
That in the gardens old13
Blushes bloom-deep,14
When day, its sweet tale told,15
Fast falls to sleep.16
Then, sable-plumed and girt17
O’er mead and park,18
With low’ring eye alert,19
Stalks forth the dark ;20
Striding majestic on,21
Whilst clear afar22
His sentry-signal shone—23
The evening star.24
The deeper heavens then25
Flash softened light26
O’er forest, flood and fen,27
From star-eyes bright ;28
The floating moon upsails,29
And o’er Night’s face30
Her pale gleam gently trails,31
Like silvern lace.32
The cooing of the birds33
Is stilled at last ;34
The lowing, mild-eyed herds35
Have all gone past ;36
Peace reigns throughout the land,37
And Nature then38
Proceeds with lavish hand39
O’er field and glen :40
Whilst, from her dewy lips,41
The cooling mist,42
Like evening incense, dips,43
Till earth is kissed.44
Thus, too, amidst the flowers45
The Hand Unseen,46
In midnight’s gloom-built hours,47
At work has been.48