A Song of Hope.

Heavy the brooding mist ; all prone and still1
The lean and yellow grass, the bracken brown.2
O’er gleaming moss are rillets trickling down3
To meet the burn and flood it past its fill,4
Till, torrent-like, it dashes down the hill5
In tipsy sport and cruel, glad to drown6
The timid, fluttering leaves—of late the crown7
Of trees now gaunt and shivering in the chill.8
A dreary scene ! And yet ’twill change ere long.9
Soon radiant smiles will dimple Nature’s face ;10
The sunny air resound with floating song ;11
Fern, flower, and leaf all beam with new-born grace.12
E’en so, in quick relay Life’s changes throng—13
Darkness to light, and tears to joy give place.14