Watching and Wishing.

Oh, would I were the golden light1
That shines around thee now,2
As slumber shades the spotless white3
Of that unclouded brow !4
It watches through each changeful dream5
Thy features’ varied play ;6
It meets thy waking eyes’ soft gleam7
By dawn—by op’ning day.8
Oh, would I were the crimson veil9
Above thy couch of snow,10
To dye that cheek so soft, so pale,11
With my reflected glow !12
Oh, would I were the cord of gold13
Whose tassel set with pearls14
Just meets the silken cov’ring’s fold15
And rests upon thy curls,16
I Dishevell’d in thy rosy sleep,17
And shading soft thy dreams ;18
I Across their bright and raven sweep19
The golden tassel gleams !20
I would be anything for thee,21
My love—my radiant love—22
A flower, a bird, for sympathy,23
A watchful star above.24