Figure descriptions
Two lavish pirates lounge atop a raised platform on a ship deck. They are adorned
with flowing cloths and jewellery and sit
atop a tiger pelt. The woman (Lycoris) sits at the feet of the man (Serapio) and leans
into him. She rests her right elbow against
the knee of his outstretched leg and dangles a bunch of grapes in the air with her
left arm. There is a table to their left on which
stands a decorated drinking glass and an overflowing fruit stand. Around the central
figures, enslaved and enchained men labour
shirtless in crowded boats, rowing and heaving on ropes and sails. Additional pirates
drink leisurely in the background. The main
ship is lined with garlands and all the male pirates wear laurel wreaths. Full-page
illustration contained in a single-ruled