
The roses and the roseleaves gleam1
Amid your gold hair, love Marie ;2
Upon the shore we sit and dream3
Beneath the castle by the sea :4
The sun sinks ’neath the sea’s last line,5
The quiet world soft shadows fold,6
I hold your little hands in mine,7
And, sitting happy there, behold8
The roses and the roseleaves shine9
Amid your gold hair, love Marie !10
The roses and the roseleaves die11
From out your gold hair, love Marie ;12
We soon, too, white and dead shall lie—13
This night, to-morrow it may be.14
And rains will beat, and cold stars beam,15
And winds rave, o’er us in the mould,16
But heedless we shall sweetly dream17
Of fair slain days, if we behold18
Some roses and some roseleaves gleam19
Above us buried, love Marie20