The Rose and Laurel Leaf.
Ou va
Et la feuille de la rose, et la feuille du laurier?
Et la feuille de la rose, et la feuille du laurier?

On thy path of music whither1
May, sweet wind, thy wandering be ?2
And say, what dost thou bring hither3
On thy azure wings with thee ?4
My wild course has been where, flowing,5
The silver fountains sing ;6
From the roses by them growing7
Floats a rose-leaf on my wing.8
“ Through a grove of laurel breathing9
Came a young poet’s song ;10
From the green boughs round him wreathing11
I bore a leaf along.”12
For that leaf of crimson shining,13
That one of fadeless hue—14
What art thou, sweet wind, designing ?15
With those leaves what wilt thou do ?16
“ That red leaf of the
That green leaf of the
The fair earth I bear them over,19
To leave them on the grave.”20