“ Faint, yet Pursuing.”
A Song of the Church Militant.

All day among the cornfields of the plain,1
Reaping a mighty harvest to the Lord,2
Our hands have bound the sheaves ; we come again—3
Shout for the garners stored !4
All day among the vineyards of the field,5
Our feet have trodden out the red, ripe vine ;6
Sing, sing for hearts that have not spared to yield7
A yet more purple wine !8
All day against the spoilers of our land,9
Our arms made bare the keen and glittering sword10
None turned back, none stay’d the lifted hand ;11
Sing, sing unto the Lord !12
All day beset by spies, beset with foes,13
Building a House of Holiness—by night14
We watch’d beside our weapons—slow it rose ;15
Sing, sing from Zion’s height !16