
Thanks be to God ! to whom earth owes1
Sunshine and breeze,2
The heath-clad hill, the vale’s repose,3
Streamlet and seas,4
The snowdrop and the summer-rose,5
The many-voicèd trees.6
Thanks for the darkness that reveals7
Night’s starry dower ;8
And for the sable cloud that heals9
Each fever’d flower ;10
And for the rushing storm that peals11
Our weakness and Thy power.12
Thanks for the sweetly-lingering might13
In music’s tone ;14
For paths of knowledge, whose calm light15
Is all Thine own ;16
For thoughts that at the Infinite17
Fold their bright wings alone.18
Yet thanks that silence oft may flow19
In dewlike store ;20
Thanks for the mysteries that show21
How small our lore ;22
Thanks, that we here so little know,23
And trust Thee all the more !24
Thanks for the gladness that entwines25
Our path below ;26
Each sunrise that incarnadines27
The cold, still snow ;28
Thanks for the light of love, which shines29
With brightest earthly glow.30
Thanks for the sickness and the grief31
Which none may flee ;32
For loved ones standing now around33
The crystal sea ;34
And for the weariness of heart35
Which only rests in Thee.36
Thanks for Thine own thrice-blessed Word,37
And Sabbath rest ;38
Thanks for the hope of glory stored39
In mansions blest ;40
Thanks for the Spirit’s comfort: pour’d41
Into the trembling breast.42
Thanks, more than thanks, to Him be given,43
Who died to win44
Our life, and every trophy rend45
From Death and Sin ;46
Till, when the thanks of Earth shall end,47
The thanks of Heaven begin.48