II.—A Gleaning Song.

“ Whither away thou little
careless rover ?1
(Kind Roger’s true)2
Whither away across yon bents and clover,3
Wet, wet with dew ?”4
“ Roger here, Roger there—5
Roger—O, he sighed,6
Yet let me glean among the wheat,7
Nor sit kind Roger’s bride.”8
“ What wilt thou do when all the gleaning’s ended,9
What wilt thou do ?10
The cold will come, and fog and frost-work blended11
(Kind Roger’s true).”12
“ Sleet and rain, cloud and storm,13
When they cease to frown14
I’ll bind me primrose bunches sweet,15
And cry them up the town.”16
“ What if at last thy careless heart awaking17
This day thou rue ?”18
“ I’ll cry my flowers, and think for all its breaking,19
Kind Roger’s true ;20
Roger here, Roger there,21
O, my true love sighed,22
Sigh once, once more, I’ll stay my feet23
And rest kind Roger’s bride.”24