Landscape of trees and grassy fields with a wooden fence and clouds above. 1/2 page
width and
approximately 1/6 page height.
Andrew Hislop, The Martyr.
[About a mile to the north of the parish church in Eskdalemuir, and not far from the
river, a solitary tombstone
on the grassy hillside bears the following inscription :— “ Andrew Hislop, Martyr, shot dead upon this place
by Sir James Johnston, of Westerhall, and John Graham, of Claverhouse, May 12th, 1685.” The death of Hislop
was attended by some circumstances of even unusual atrocity on the part of Claverhouse.]
on the grassy hillside bears the following inscription :— “ Andrew Hislop, Martyr, shot dead upon this place
by Sir James Johnston, of Westerhall, and John Graham, of Claverhouse, May 12th, 1685.” The death of Hislop
was attended by some circumstances of even unusual atrocity on the part of Claverhouse.]

Andrew Hislop ! shepherd lad,1
“ Martyr” graven on your tomb ;2
Here you met the brutal Clavers,3
Here you bore his murderous doom !4
Coming from the hill that morn,5
Doing humble duty well ;6
Free in step, your honest look,7
Born of sunlight on the fell.8
Here the Eskdale mountains round you,9
In your ear the murmuring stream ;10
Here, ’tis May, the bleating lambs ;11
Life but seems a peaceful dream.12
With no weapon but the crook13
Your soft helpless flock to guide ;14
Here they shot you, shepherd lad,15
Here you poured your warm heart tide !16
“ Ere I pass into the Presence,17
May I make a prayer to God ?”18
“ Not one word,” said brutal Clavers,19
“ We’ve no time, you wretched clod !20
“ Draw your bonnet o’er your eyes,21
That is boon enough for thee.”22
“ I pass to God with open face,23
Whom you will hardly dare to see !”24
Westerhall and Claverhouse,25
Turn now since the deed is done !26
What care ye for rebel corpse ?27
Let it bleach beneath the sun !28
So they left you, martyr brave,29
Left you on the reddened sod ;30
But no raven touched your face ;31
On it lay the peace of God !32
On the moor, the widow-mother33
Bows to lot of dule and pine ;34
And Westerhall and Claverhouse35
Have merrily rode back to dine !36