The Children’s Music.

We asked where the magic came
That made her so wondrous fair,2
As she stood with the sunlight touching3
Her gloss of golden hair,4
And her blue eyes looked towards heaven5
As though they could see God there6
“ Hush !” said the child, “ can’t you hear it,7
The music that’s everywhere ?”8
God help us ! we could not hear it,9
Our hearts were heavy with pain ;10
We heard men toiling and wrangling,11
We heard the whole world complain ;12
And the sound of a mocking laughter13
We heard again and again,14
But we lost all faith in the music :15
We had listened so long in vain.16
“ Can’t you hear it ?” the young child whispered,17
And sadly we answered, “ No.18
We might have fancied we heard it19
In the days of long ago ;20
But the music is all a delusion,21
Our reason has told us so,22
And you will forget that you heard it23
When you know the sound of woe.”24
Then one spoke out from among us25
Who had nothing left to fear ;26
Who had given his life for others,27
And been repaid with a sneer.28
And his face was lit with a glory,29
And his voice was calm and clear30
As he said, “ I can hear the music31
Which the little children hear.”32