II. Hominum Laudes.

Christ, hath Christ’s Mother1
Dicamus ! canamus !2
Borne, our dear Brother,3
Canamus ! dicamus !4
In the stalls of Bethlehem.5
Then leave we all Jerusalem,6
To kiss the King of Bethlehem :7
Cui vocibus gaudentibus8
Dicamus : canamus :9
Gloriam !10
Come from the City !11
Dicamus ! canamus !12
God hath had pity13
Canamus ! dicamus !14
On His people Israel.15
And pity will He have, as well,16
On Gentiles beyond Israel :17
Nunc vocibus gaudentibus18
Dicamus : canamus :19
Gloriam !20
Snows the land cover :21
Dicamus ! canamus !22
Lo ! comes our Lover ;23
Canamus ! dicamus !24
Comes a glory, comes a light :25
Gold on snow, and gold on night ;26
Glory from the Light of Light !27
Quin vocibus gaudentibus28
Dicamus : canamus :29
Gloriam !30
Laud in the Highest !31
Dicamus ! canamus !32
Now, Death ! thou diest :33
Canamus ! dicamus !34

Now God goeth to His grave,35
Us dead, and dying, men to save ;36
And bring the captives from the grave.37
Quo vocibus gaudentibus38
Dicamus : canamus :39
Gloriam !40
Praise to the Father !41
Dicamus ! canamus !42
Now will He gather43
Canamus ! dicamus !44
Us, His helpless little ones,45
From endless Death’s dominions ;46
Us, God our Father’s little ones :47
Cui vocibus gaudentibus48
Dicamus : canamus :49
Gloriam !50
Praise to Son Jesus !51
Dicamus ! canamus !52
Him, Whose Cross frees us,53
Canamus ! dicamus !54
From the cruel hand of sin.55
Now first to Him our songs begin,56
Since now our hearts have done with sin.57
Sic vocibus gaudentibus58
Dicamus : canamus :59
Gloriam !60
Praise Mary Mother !61
Dicamus ! canamus !62
Mary, none other,63
Canamus ! dicamus !64
Welcome might the Holy Ghost :65
Because her heart was pure the most.66
Now praise be to the Holy Ghost !67
Cui vocibus gaudentibus68
Dicamus : canamus :69
Gloriam !70

Praise, praise, and praises,71
Dicamus ! canamus !72
Earth with Heaven raises,73
Canamus ! dicamus !74
To the glorious Trinity.75
Sons of new morning, mingle we,76
With morning stars, our melody :77
Et vocibus gaudentibus78
Dicamus : canamus :79
Gloriam !80