Two arched stained glass windows. Each window depicts an angel, identified by text
at the bottom of the windows. The angel on
the left (Archangel Uriel) holds a staff in his right hand and a book in his left
hand. The angel on the right (Archangel Michael)
holds a banner, sword, and shield. Both angels’ wings wrap up and behind them, crossing
above their heads. Full-page
A Song.

Oh ! for a day of Spring,1
A day of mirth and folly,2
Of birds that pipe and sing3
And childhood’s melancholy.4
I would not grudge the laughter,5
The tears that followed after.6
Oh ! for a day of youth,7
A day of strength and passion,8
Of words that told the truth9
And deeds the truth would fashion.10
I would not leave untasted11
One courage while it lasted.12
Oh ! for a day of days,13
A day with you and pleasure,14
Of love in all its ways15
And life in all its measure.16
Win me that day from sorrow17
And let me die to-morrow.18